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Cosplay enjoyed from home due to the COVID-19 situation!

Now that many things have been restricted due to COVID-19, what do cosplayers around the world be look like in their homes?
See the popping ideas of overseas players through the video now!

경기국제코스프레페스티벌 상세 정보
Competition Cosplay @ Home
Date & Time
  • Time : July 1 (Wed.)-August 9 (Sun.)
  • Screening : August 10 (Mon.)-August 14 (Fri.)
  • Announcement of Results : September 1 (Tue.)
  • Video Release : September 14 (Mon.)
How to Participate Short video that is less than 2 minutes filmed
①within a limited living area (home, garage, garden, etc.) ② using more than one household item
Eligible Participants · 10 countries with business agreements
  • 대만 국기Taiwan
  • 라트비아 국기Latvia
  • 스페인 국기Spain
  • 인도네시아 국기Indonesia
  • 쿠웨이트 국기Kuwait
  • 중국 국기China
  • 태국 국기Thailand
  • 필리핀 국기Philippines
  • 러시아 국기Russian
  • 미국 국기The United States
    Of America